Miminum payout, payout methods, proceeding payouts and payouts history
#Minimum payout
Admin > Settings > Payment
Each payment method has a minimum payout
Minimum payouts can be configured from payment settings "admin > settings > payment"
#Payout methods
Admin > Settings > Payment
You can select which payout method can be used by authors from payment settings "admin > settings > payment" / "Payout methods"
Authors can select their prefered payout method from their settings page
#Proceeding payouts
Admin > payouts
Authors who have reached the minimum payout amount will have the "Eligible" status showing "Yes" on the payouts page, you can decide when to send them their earnings
The payout via PayPal method is done using PayPal API, you just need to click on "Actions / Proceed payment" and wait for PayPal response confirmation (an alert message), authors will receive an email notification from your website informing them about the payout
Payouts with bank transfer method are done manually, depending on the author bank account, you send him the payment to his bank account and mark the payout as "Paid" from the payouts page
Once a payment is proceeded, it moves to the history page, the history page contains all proceeded payments, via bank transfer and PayPal