Author uploads
Create & edit and approve items
#Uploading items
Home > Uploads

Every item has the following fields :

Name : the item name (required)
Short description : a short description for the item (optional)
Description : the item main description (required)
High resolution : if the item is HD, High quality for images and graphics, and fullwidth for templates (Optional)
Tags : keywords for the item, it helps searching for the item (optionals)
Category : to which category the item belongs to (required)
Subcategories : the subcategories the item belongs to (optional)
Included files : which file types are included in the main uploaded file (required)
Preview URL : a link to the demonstration of the item (optional)
Price : the item price, the field must have the value "0" to offer the item for free (required)
Main file : the item main downloadable file (required)
Cover : the item cover or image (required)
Screenshots : screenshots for the item (optional)
FAQ : questions that may be asked by users, with their responses
#Approving uploaded items and updates
Admin > Items > Pending
Uploaded items can be approved by moderators and admins from the administration / Uploads & Updates
Administrators and moderators can view the uploaded items to validate them without approving or activating them
Every time an author update the cover, the screenshots or the main file of one of his items, you'll see a notification on the admin to approve the update, updating the item's name, description ... doesn't require a reapproval